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That FET ended in a BFN. ?

I had my transfer on Tuesday afternoon. In today’s digital age, owning a smartphone has become a necessity rather than a luxury. I keep hearing people taking about sore boobs, cramping, bloating, etc and even if these.   I'm just so confused. My breasts hurt so much also. how long do fetch rewards take to process I have a very strong pregnancy symptoms including going to the toilet often, feeling nauseous, mood swings, sleepiness etc. I wanted to wait but I hated the idea of getting the results in a message or phone call while I was at work. Mine does not, they test about 4dp5dt, but they dont generally share the results, until the test again at 10dp5dt. With my first FET I tested at 5dp5dt and it was positive like that, maybe a bit darker, and it was twins!!. high speed chase in houston texas today I tested 2x today at 4dp5dt, all tests negative. completely different pregnancies, but the first 6 weeks of both were the same, in that I had no symptoms whatsoever. This is my 2nd FET cycle. You could have implanted a day or two later than your last pregnancy. hmong dog puppies Used a FRER and a 10miu Wondfo, both stark white. ….

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